■高校英単語(wikipediaのチラ読み.映画 / ローマの休日2)
《問題》 次の英文の中で青色で示した語句の意味を答えてください。
Enjoying her freedom, on a whim, Anya gets her hair cut short in a barbershop. Joe follows and "accidentally" meets her on the Spanish Steps. They spend the day seeing the sights, including the "Mouth of Truth", a face carved in marble which is said to bite off the hands of liars. When Joe pulls his hand out of the mouth, it appears to be missing, causing Anya to scream. He then pops his hand out of his sleeve and laughs. (Hepburn's shriek was not acting ? Peck decided to pull a gag he had once seen Red Skelton do, and did not tell his co-star beforehand.)
Later, Anya shares with Joe her dream of living a normal life without her crushing responsibilities. That night, at a dance on a boat, government agents finally track her down and try to escort her away, but a wild melee breaks out and Joe and Anya escape. Through all this, they gradually fall in love, but Anya realizes that their relationship cannot continue. She finally bids farewell to Joe and returns to the embassy.
During the course of the day, Hennessy learns that the princess is missing, not ill as claimed. He suspects that Joe knows where she is, and tries to get him to admit it, but Joe claims to know nothing about it. Knowing Joe's feelings for Anya, Irving reluctantly decides not to sell his photos.
The next day, Princess Ann appears at the delayed news conference, and is surprised to find Joe and Irving among the members of the press. Irving takes her picture with the same miniature cigarette lighter/camera he had used the previous day. He then presents her with the photographs he had taken that day, discreetly tucked in an envelope, as a memento of her adventure. Joe lets her know, by allusion, that her secret is safe with them. She, in turn, works into her bland statements a coded message of love and gratitude to Joe. She then departs, leaving Joe to linger for a while, contemplating what might have been.
  • allusion [名詞] ほのめかし
  • bid [動詞] [bíd] 告げる
  • bland statement : 当たり障りのない声明
  • co-star [名詞] 共演スター
  • crushing [形容詞] 激しい
  • discreetly [副詞] 慎重に
  • feel for : 〜を好きだと思う

(1) 初めにここから選ぶ↓

[単語帳] [選択肢]
(↑) 分からないときは単語帳を見る

(2) 続いてここから選ぶ↓
  • gratitude [名詞] 感謝
  • in turn : 今度は
  • liar [名詞] うそつき
  • linger [動詞] 後に残る
  • marble [名詞] 大理石
  • melee [名詞] 乱闘
  • memento [名詞] 記念の品
  • Mouth of Truth : 真実の口
  • Red Skelton : レッド・スケルトン(アメリカの道化師)
  • share with : 伝える
  • shriek [名詞] 金切り声
  • sleeve [名詞] 袖
  • Spanish Steps : スペイン階段(地名)
  • track down : 追いつめる
  • tuck [動詞] くるむ
  • whim [名詞] 気まぐれ
  • work into : 織り込む