It plays a key role in making recommendations to the COP on scientific and technical issues. (COP:国連気候変動枠組み条約締約国会議)
The early 20th century developed successful agricultural practices, and society rejoiced in the roaring twenties. (agricultural practice:農作業,roaring:活況の)
In Search of Lost Time or Remembrance of Things Past is a novel in seven volumes by Marcel Proust.
I took the car to the workshop for repair.
Amongst the most violent against him was Mrs. Bennet, whose dislike of his general behaviour was sharpened into particular resentment by his having slighted one of her daughters. (violent:乱暴な,slight:ないがしろにする)
After the election, the government retained control of the lower house, but lost the upper house. (the lower house:下院,the upper house:上院)
The Kremlin retorted that although the Turkish symbol was the crescent, surely it did not mean that they laid claim to the moon. (Kremlin:クレムリン=当時のソヴィエト政府,crescent:三日月形,laid claim to:権利を主張する)
What made this book so popular is the fact that it was the first detailed revelation of the secrets of the cardsharps. (cardsharp:トランプ詐欺師)
Technically, the south-east ridge on the Nepali side of the mountain is easier to climb; so, most climbers prefer to trek to Everest through Nepal.
He went to rob the bank.
recommendation | 名詞 | 勧告 |
rejoice | 動詞 | 喜ぶ |
remembrance | 名詞 | 追憶 |
repair | 名詞 | 修理 |
resentment | 名詞 | いきどおり |
retain | 動詞 | 維持する |
retort | 動詞 | 言い返す |
revelation | 名詞 | 暴露 |
ridge | 名詞 | 尾根 |
rob | 動詞 | 襲う |